Because the joke is on MIL this time. While one of the plants did die, the other one is living happily and healthily (is that word?) on top of my refrigerator. It's all about location, baby! That plant is still alive and prospering b/c it sits atop my freezer. Whenever I reach into the freezer to get ice, I just throw an extra cube or two in the plant! There's no need to add plant watering to my "to do" list. It requires absolutely no thought or effort... right up my alley!
What is that you're saying? You don't have a plant with which to practice your new found knowledge? Never fear... Lowe's will give you $10 off the purchase of any house plant if you take in this printable coupon. If you pick something that's less than $10, it's free!
Feeding ice cubes to the plant works for me... and my plant! For more Works for Me Wednesday, visit Rocks In My Dryer.